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Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a relatively new form of psychotherapy that is gaining popularity for its ability to quickly resolve trauma-related symptoms. 

What is ART?

ART, developed by Dr. Laney Rosenzweig, uses a combination of techniques, including eye movements similar to EMDR, mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing, positive visualization, and grounding techniques. The therapeutic process takes a directive approach while the content of the session is controlled by the client. ART allows the client to achieve emotional relief in a creative way and by using their own unique solutions to their problems. 


What are the benefits of ART?

ART focuses on eliminating distressing images and sensations, and depending on the severity and complexity of symptoms, providing rapid relief - sometimes in just a few sessions. Negative images from distressing memories may seem to fade or disappear, while more pleasant images may take their place. Clients will often report remembering the trauma they have experienced from the factual sense, but no longer have the same distressing memories, sensations, or images in relation to what they have experienced. ART can also help individuals improve their emotional regulation skills, allowing them to better cope with stress and triggers. 

What happens in an ART session?

During an ART session, clients are instructed to retrieve negative sensations by visualizing the distressing memory from beginning to end while the therapist administers eye movements. Unresolved memories may surface through the use of ART and there may be a high level of emotion or physical sensations. Usually, those sensations can be processed during the session and most clients leave feeling relaxed.


An ART session normally completes one “scene” that represents the issue being addressed. Depending on the number of scenes, it may take an average of three sessions to complete the treatment for each problem. Single-event traumas tend to stay resolved after processing; however, an ongoing problem requires more sessions. 


After a treatment session, dreams, memories, flashbacks, or feelings related to the “scene” may arise. If this happens, they can be dealt with using ART in a future session. You may also be shown how to use eye movements for calming purposes between sessions for the best outcome. 

*Please note that ART sessions are in-person only

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